

Director: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter

I'm sorry I haven't blogged for a little while, I've been super busy with wedding plans and finishing watching Orange is The New Black (stay tuned for review tomorrow!).

Last Wednesday State of Origin was on so Rhys went to his parents house while I stayed in and watched Cinderella in my dressing gown with my electric blanket and central heating on - it is still like an igloo in my freezing cold house. I had been holding out to watch it since my girlfriends from the UK were over bragging about it in April!

Lily James is stunningly beautiful in her acting skills and it was good to see Australian Cate Blanchett in a new movie. Obviously any movie with Helena Bonham Carter in it is fabulously brilliant!

Lily James plays Ella, a kind, blonde, beautiful girl who is adored by her doting parents and lives a wonderful life until her mother gets ill and sadly dies. Her father then meets another wife (Blanchett) who comes along with her two evil daughters and takes over her dearly beloved house. When Ella's father unexpectedly passes away she finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother however her fortunes begin to change when she meets a dashing young stranger who she doesn't know yet is the PRINCE (Madden, his teeth are super white and charming).

I was happy that the story stayed true to the original and the special effects were amazing! The ending cracked me up, they've known/met each other twice but yet are crazy in love and get married - oh Disney I do love you.

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