Magic Mike XXL


Director: Gregory Jaocbs
Starring: Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Kevin Nash, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Matt Bomer, Elizabeth Banks

Every single girl I know has been dying to see the second installment of Magic Mike for years! On Sunday, I met my girlfriends at the movies to indulge in hot bods, dreamy men, luxury seats and unlimited free popcorn. Seeing a movie in La Premier means you can drink alcohol and order food, much to my disgust as I am currently participating in Dry July (no alcohol for the month) they had a Magic Mike, mouth watering cocktail on special that obviously my friend Jordan just had to have - I was one very jealous movie watcher.

Three years after Mike (Magic Mike, Tatum) bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game he decides to join the old team the Kings of Tampa and hit the road to put on one last show at the a stripper convention. The story line in the second one was much much much better than the first, watching the boys get high on molly was hilarious and surprisingly they were all still so amazing.

Some of my thoughts during the movie include
- 'Joe's abs, seriously how are they real? The whole time I was thinking him and Sophia would make magical babies.'
- 'It is such a shame Matt Bomer is gay!'
- 'Wow this role was written for Jada, she is such a boss lady, I would like to be called a queen by her, oh and she kisses Channing - wow.'
- 'Tarzan is gigantic and he scares me.'
- 'Tido has crazy hair'.
- 'Woooo Childish Gambino! I love him and he sings in this woooooo'.
- 'Amber Heard is drop dead gorgeous, and she is a hippy, who loves red velvet ice-cream, what more could you want.'

I definitely recommend seeing it, I loved it! However, the ending came at such a surprise, I was like ummmm is that it, it went on for long enough just that I wanted to know more about what happened between certain people, hey maybe there will be a third, we can only hope.

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