That Sugar Film


Director: Damon Gameau
Starring: Damon Gameau, Isabel Lucas, Brenton Thwaites

Wow. What an amazing documentary. Damon Gameau starts his 'healthy eating' journey after cutting out refined sugar for the past three years. Damon wants to show the world how fat is better than sugar compared to what everyone thought. All 'low-fat' foods have a ridiculous amount of sugar in them, so Damon starts his day by having an Up-and-Go, a bowl of low-fat yogurt with
Sultana Bran and much to his disgust finds 20 teaspoons of sugar in one meal!

Rhys and I eat fairly healthy but after watching That Sugar Film, I wanted to throw everything in my pantry in the bin! My favourite Teriyaki sauces have SOOOOO much sugar in them, I didn't even realise! Baked beans are also not so good so I said goodbye to them for my weekend breakfasts and no more tomato sauce on anything! I must admit our weekend food shop after watching this was full of fresh fruit, vegetables and fish! We did exactly what Damon said to do and only shop in the first and last isle, skipping everything in between - Hopefully it'll help with getting us both wedding body ready.

It has made me think about how I want to raise my children regarding food after seeing what fizzy drink can do to teeth - yuck! My mum is a dental nurse so as children, my brother and I were never allowed coke, lemonade, lollies or chocolate, my mum was super strict and now I must admit I thank her for it, 23 years old and no fillings or cavities! I'm slowly working Rhys off the fizzy drink too, although after a boys day watching the UFC yesterday, I found a bottle of coke in the fridge - which is going in the bin when I get home :)

This is a definite must see! A real eye opener! You also get a 5 minute perve on Brenton Thwaites' body!

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