TV SERIES - Finding Carter


Creators: Terri Minsky and Emily Silver
Starring: Kathryn Prescott, Cynthia Watros, Alex Saxon, Anna Jacoby-Heron, Jesse Henderson, Zac Pullam

Oh my god, this series is amazing! I've been staying up past my normal bed time trying to cram as many episodes as possible into my night, last night I succeeded in finishing season 2. I honestly felt like I couldn't do anything until I had finished watching, every episode was such a cliff hanger! So yesterday after work, I got straight into bed and left my house a mess and decided to cook a frozen meal instead of the delicious homemade cannelloni I had planned. What is happening to my life?

Finding Carter is about a teenager who finds out she was abducted as a toddler and is returned to her biological parents. She finds out the life she has been living has been a lie and now has to start over with new parents, a twin sister and a younger brother. New parents mean new rules and Carter (Prescott) find them difficult to abide by. The story goes on and on and you think how many bad things can happen to this family!

Finding Carter is the perfect mix of family, love, drama and suspense. You may recognise Carter, Kathryn Prescott as Emily from the English TV series Skins except this time she has an American accent and nails it! When you find out that Carter has a twin sister, I waited for it to be Kathryn Prescott's actual twin sister who also features in Skins, but no sadly it wasn't haha!

I don't know what I am going to do with my life as Season 3 doesn't have a start date yet ahhhhhhhhhhh! Everyone must watch it asap!!! My favourite series at the moment!!!

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