The Girl On The Train


Director: Tate Taylor
Staring: Emily Blunt, Justin Theroux, Rebecca Ferguson, Haley Bennett, Luke Evans

Wow, I have not blogged in forever! I want to let you all know I am now fully committed and have made an Instagram page!

Now, I always like to read the book before I see the movie. I recently went to England for 2 weeks and my cousin lent me her book of 'The Girl on the Train', it also helped that the audio book was on the in-flight entertainment!! What an amazing book, I literally could not put it down, and as soon as I landed in Perth I was dying to see the film.

I'll start off by saying the book is always better than the film, however this one was VERY good. They changed the story a little, the book is originally set in London when the movie is set in New York, the relationship Rachel (Blunt) has with her housemate is also very different.

The Girl on the Train tells the story of Rachel Watson, an alcoholic divorcee who becomes obsessed with the couple whose house she can see from her train ride everyday. Rachel's ex husband and his new wife and baby also live two doors down from them. After an episode of her heavy drinking she suffers from multiple black outs and struggles to remember lost time, she soon finds herself in the middle of a missing persons investigation.

I promise I won't list any spoilers as this movie has some major twists, it certainly keeps it's viewers on the edge of their seats. I have read the book and I even gasped at a few scenes. It is a must see from me as Emily Blunt's performance is perfection, also I have a slight obsession with Justin Theroux ever since he stared in Charlie's Angels, so mysterious and so dreamy.

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